Citera: Family members of individuals who have social disorders, such as Asperger Syndrome or sociopathy, generally suffer ongoing psychological trauma. The damage is insidious may continue for decades. If professionals fail to recognize damage produced by chronic, intimate exposure of a neurotypical individual to a family member with an autism spectrum disorder, the lack of validation creates extreme internal conflict, moral distress, loss of self-esteem, frustration, depression, and/or other symptoms, altogether popularly known as Cassandra Phenomenon or Cassandra Syndrome. Cassandra, the Greek mythological character, suffered because her capacity to predict the future was accompanied by the curse that no one believed her. She could foresee disasters, but could not convince anyone to forestall them. By analogy, family members of adults with AS experience great moral distress because they can predict calamities caused by the individual with AS, but they are not believed or validated by the very individuals to whom they turn for professional help. |