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Bot kanske på väg? 
Författare Meddelande
Inlägg Bot kanske på väg?
Kanske AS inte är obotligt ändå, och då återstår ju frågan vill man bli botad? Efter ett
långt liv med AS så är det ju en del av ens personlighet, tycker jag. :?

13 september 2013, 13:35
Inlägg Re: Bot kanske på väg?
Och då får vi ju lägga ner forumet, tråkigt... :03:

13 september 2013, 13:37
Inlägg Re: Bot kanske på väg?

Svår fråga.

13 september 2013, 15:21
Inlägg Re: Bot kanske på väg?
Hörde om det här idag, så tack för länk(då slapp jag leta)

13 september 2013, 16:15
Inlägg Re: Bot kanske på väg?
vissa former av autism

Vilka former är det?

13 september 2013, 17:04
Inlägg Re: Bot kanske på väg?
Det här känns lite som X-men The Last Stand, när det kom ett botemedel för mutanter. Jag tror att vissa kommer att vägra ta medicinen och ev protestera mot den, medan andra längtar att få testa den.

Själv så önskar jag att jag kunde få välja vilka delar av diagnosen som jag vill bli av med och vilka som jag vill bli av med, men jag känner att även om jag blir av med allt aspigt i mig så skulle jag nog ändå vilja ta medicinen. Min vilja att kunna leva ett normalt liv, att kunna arbeta heltid, att kunna vara social utan att bli så himla trött efteråt, är såpass stor att jag skulle inte tveka.

Sedan tror jag inte att personligheten skulle förändras alltför mycket, i alla fall inte för mig, då personligheten formas mer efter ens erfarenheter genom livets gång. Annars så är det bara för mig att lära känna mig själv på nytt, något som jag nyss ändå har gjort sedan jag fick diagnosen 4,5 år sedan, så det är inget omöjligt.

13 september 2013, 19:46
Inlägg Re: Bot kanske på väg?
Jag letade reda på Gillbergs m.fl. artikel i Nature Medicine:

Richard Delorme, Elodie Ey, Roberto Toro, Marion Leboyer, Christopher Gillberg, & Thomas Bourgeron (2013).
Progress toward treatments for synaptic defects in autism. Nature Medicine 19, 685–694.

Här är abstractet:

ASD comprises a heterogeneous group of disorders with different etiologies, phenotypic outcomes and ages of onset. In a subset of patients with ASD, mutations of genes related to synaptic function have been identified, suggesting that abnormal neuronal homeostasis is a risk factor for ASD1, 2. Studies of the human brain transcriptome have shown that genes associated with synaptic functions may be expressed early during intrauterine development (3–6 months gestational age)3. However, the consequences of these alterations in gene expression are only detected as ASD much later, during the first 3 years of life. It is not known whether neuronal circuits expressing these genes can be preserved despite the presence of genetic mutations. An increasing number of studies in mouse models of ASD have shown that certain neuronal defects can be reversed in the mature mouse brain, either by restoring the gene function, decreasing mRNA translation or modulating the balance between excitation and inhibition (Table 1 and Supplementary Table 1). These results challenge the notion that all forms of ASD are irreversible neurodevelopmental disorders4. Given the clinical heterogeneity of ASD, we argue that specific synaptic clinical trials should be designed and launched with a view to establishing whether or not similar reversals could also occur in humans.

14 september 2013, 11:59
Inlägg Re: Bot kanske på väg?
Nu bryter jag säkert mot copyright, men det känns så angeläget att vi som berörs faktiskt får veta vad det verkligen innebär. Här är en tabell (tyvärr med borttappad formatering) som visar exakt vilka resultat man lyckats konstatera hos möss som påtvingats behandlingen. Hur mössen modellerats för att simulera mänsklig autism vågar jag inte tänka på.

Table 1: Improvement of the phenotypes in mouse models of autism spectrum disorders

From Progress toward treatments for synaptic defects in autism
Richard Delorme,
Elodie Ey,
Roberto Toro,
Marion Leboyer,
Christopher Gillberg
& Thomas Bourgeron
Nature Medicine 19,685–694(2013)doi:10.1038/nm.3193
back to article

Table 1: Improvement of the phenotypes in mouse models of autism spectrum disorders




*Treatment administered during development. PPI, prepulse inhibition; LTD, long-term depression; LTP, long-term potentiation; PAG, periaqueducal gray; USV, ultrasonic vocalizations; DHPG, dihydroxyphenylglycine.



Overexpression of FMR1 human gene37*38*113*

No effect: Motor learning; spatial learning and memory; anxiety; startle response (worse)
Improvement: Macroorchidism; activity; social approaches; anxiety toward novel food; PPI

Reduction of mGluR5 expression42*

No effect: Macroorchidism
Improvement: Extinction of inhibitory avoidance; plasticity and spine density in visual cortex; basal protein synthesis in hippocampus; audiogenic seizure; body growth

Overexpression of Nlgn141*

No effect: Spatial learning; interest for novel objects
Partial improvement: Positive puncta for excitatory synapses; number of inhibitory synapses
Improvement: Social preference; social contact maintenance; activity; body weight


MPEP (mGluR5 antagonist)43, 114

Partial improvement: Seizure
Improvement: Anxiety in open field; activity; seizure

Minocycline (matrix metalloproteinase 9 inhibitor)48*49*

Improvement: Working memory in Y-maze; anxiety in plus maze; percentage of mushroom-shaped spines; dendritic spine length; percentage of short dendritic spines with larger heads; number of USV emitted by a male toward a female

CTEP (mGluR5 antagonist)68

No effect: Motor coordination
Partial improvement: ERK activity; macroorchidism
Improvement: Inhibitory avoidance; startle response to auditory stimuli; activity; spine density in visual cortex; hippocampal LTD (slices)

Arbaclofen (activation of GABAB receptor)78

No effect: Distance in open field; marble burying; motor coordination
Partial improvement: Seizure
Improvement: Basal protein synthesis in hippocampus; AMPA receptor internalization; spine density

Lovastatin (ERK-mediated protein synthesis inhibitor)72

Partial improvement: Audiogenic seizures
Improvement: Excessive protein synthesis, epileptiform activity in hippocampus (in vitro), hyperexcitability in visual cortex (in vitro)


Physical enrichment33

Improvement: Anxiety in open field; habituation to novel objects; basal dendritic branching; basal dendritic length; spine density; spine maturation; GluR1 levels in visual cortex



Reexpression of Nlgn3 in Purkinje cells71*

Partial improvement: Motor coordination
Improvement: mGluR1α protein level; mGluR1α synaptic abundance; DHPG-induced phospho-GluA2 signals; ectopic synapse formation



D-Cycloserine (NMDAR partial agonist)52

Improvement: Self-grooming



Rapamycin (mTOR inhibitor)64

No effect: Cell polarity
Partial improvement: Macrocephaly
Improvement: Social interactions; anxiety; soma hypertrophy



D-Cycloserine (NMDAR partial agonist)51

No effect: Social recognition
Partial improvement: Preference for social interactions
Improvement: NDMA/AMPA ratio

CDPPB (mGlur5 positive allosteric modulators)51

No effect: Social recognition; pup retrieval; repeated jumping; anxiety in plus maze; activity
Partial improvement: Preference for social interactions
Improvement: NMDA/AMPA ratio; LTP and LTD at hippocampal Schaffer-collateral–CA1-pyramidal synapses; NMDAR signaling in whole brain and synaptosomes



Risperidone (dopaminergic D2 receptor antagonist)54

No effect: Sensory hypersensitivity; preference for social interactions
Partial improvement: Spontaneous alternations
Improvement: Nesting behavior; self-grooming; hyperactivity



Clonazepam (positive allosteric modulator of GABAA)77

Improvement: Social interest; free social interactions; fear conditioning; inhibitory transmission



4EGI-1 (selective inhibitor which prevents eIF4E binding to eIF4G)110

Improvement: Social preference; Nlgn protein amounts; excitation–inhibition balance



Rapamycin (mTOR inhibitor)61

Partial improvement: Survival; macrocephaly; hindlimb clasping



Rapamycin (mTOR inhibitor)61

Improvement: Spatial learning; context discrimination; L-LTP



Reactivation of Mecp2 (Cre-lox)4, 115

Partial improvement: Activity; gait; hindlimb clasping; tremor; respiratory function; body weight
Improvement: LTP; activity; body weight; brain weight; neuronal size

Overexpression of BDNF45*

Partial improvement: Brain size
Improvement: Activity


Ampakine CX546 (AMPAR agonist)116

Partial improvement: BDNF levels
Improvement: Respiratory function

Desipramine (norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor)117, 118

No effect: Activity; body weight; head size
Partial improvement: Respiratory function; lifespan
Improvement: Tyrosine hydrolase expression in brainstem

Insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1R agonist)34*

Partial improvement: Lifespan; activity; respiratory function; heart rate; brain weight; PSD-95 concentration in motor cortex; spine density on motor cortex neurons; excitatory synaptic transmission in sensory motor cortex neurons; plasticity in cortical circuits


No effect: baseline breathing; breathing response to hypoxia
Worsening: weight gain; heart rate decline; blood glucose; breathing response to hypoxia; lifespan

Fingolimod (sphingosine-1 phosphatase receptor modulator)53

No effect: BDNF levels in cerebellum
Partial improvement: Lifespan; hindlimb clasping; BDNF levels in cortex, hippocampus, striatum; wet weight of striatum
Improvement: Locomotor activity; motor coordination


Physical enrichment81

No effect: Motor coordination; BDNF levels in cerebellum



Reduction of CaMKII inhibitory phosphorylation117*

Improvement: Motor coordination; spatial learning and memory; contextual fear conditioning; kinase activity; body weight; audiogenic seizure; LTP



PD158780 and PD168393 (ERBBB inhibitor)118

Improvement: LTP, long-term memory in fear conditioning



Physical and social enrichment83

No effect: Social dominance; olfactory habituation/dishabituation; stereotypes
Partial improvement: Social recognition; fear conditioning; anxiety
Improvement: Motor coordination

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14 september 2013, 12:03
Inlägg Re: Bot kanske på väg?
Jag ska inte botas nånstans.

14 september 2013, 12:18
Inlägg Re: Bot kanske på väg?
Från samma artikel:

Figure 2: The synaptic proteins involved in ASD and the drugs that have been tested in mouse models of ASD or in clinical trials.
Bildtexten skrev:
Schematic representation of pre- and post-synaptic proteins located at glutamatergic and GABAergic synapses. Proteins reported to be associated with ASD are in orange. Factors involved in the pathways that the ASD-associated proteins participate in are shown in blue. Pharmacological compounds used to reverse core symptoms of autism in mouse models and patients are tagged with a star. The functional link between these proteins were shown experimentally (for example: FMRP targets distinct mRNA sequence elements to regulate expression of several proteins associated with ASD109 and eIF4E overexpression leads to increased translation of neuroligins110, which are postsynaptic proteins that are causally linked to ASDs111). The pathways associated with ASD are reviewed in refs. 2, 56, 112.

14 september 2013, 12:25
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