Citera: Just Listen Why won‘! you jun Iislcn? ‘I'lm's all I ask nl you. I don‘: and In hear what you think about what I say. I don’! need you to think of mmcilnilgclcvcr to oumlorl me. I lust ncul you to llsltll. So when I say. ‘I need lo lallc.‘ lhafi what I mean. ljua want to tell you wmelhing. You wil have your turn later to talk. but lot now. just listen lo me. I alum‘! nccd your dove: aalvlvc, luv ll l|\0l'§ whal I wamcd. I would wrlu: no Dear Ahoy. You don’! understand that l jun worn was to listen. nothing more. You nnl Idling, and just hearing wb.-I I have lo say . . . It Is won]: more lo Inc than any advice you could ever give. Me jun llslcnlng to mya-ll ayllngl my pro!-lem om loud an help me solve ll somelimes. And il I do and yout aalvice, I wil ask. Bun mull I do ask lur yum advice, jun llslcn. So please. oh please. dnn'I uy In snhc my pmblcms Int me. Just linen. -inouwuous |