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DNA länk till ADHD 
Författare Meddelande
Inlägg DNA länk till ADHD
The scientists focused on a sequence of genes linked to brain development that has previously been connected to conditions like autism and schizophrenia.

In children without ADHD, about 7% of them had deleted or doubled chromosomes in the analysed gene sequence. But among children with the disorder, researchers discovered about 14% had such genetic alterations.

Scientists also found that 36% of children with learning disabilities in the study had the chromosomal abnormalities, compared to those with a normal IQ.

Study Finds Nearly 1 Million Kids Misdiagnosed with ADHD

Och omvänt borde det vara en större risk att ha onormalt många kromosomer om man är diagnoticerad med adhd.

20 oktober 2010, 22:10
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